


How to optimize/speed up website access speed on VPS servers

Note: After many of us have built a website, we are very concerned about the website's loading speed. Many people think that speed is only related to latency, but in fact, there are other factors that affect the speed of our website. Here, we will specifically discuss website optimization methods.


1. Domain Name Resolution Speed
When a user visits your website, they will first connect to the domain name resolution service provider, which will return the IP address. There may be a delay here, but if the user visits again within a short period of time, the delay here can be ignored due to caching.

Optimization method: Try to use intelligent resolution service providers, such as dnspod and cloudxns in China, and try to use service providers in the target country of your audience.

2. Delay in Connecting to Your Server's IP Address
After the domain name service provider returns the IP address, there will be a delay when the client connects to the IP address.

Optimization method: Use a server with a low latency to your target audience, such as a domestic VPS or a Hong Kong VPS, if most of your website visitors are from China.

3. Response Speed of the Website Server
After the client connects to the server and sends a request through the IP address, the server will process the request and return the page data. There is a response time here, mainly influenced by the server's processing speed.

Optimization method: Purchase a VPS server with good processing performance, such as a high-performance CPU server with multiple cores.

4. Transmission Time of Page Data
The time it takes for the server to transmit the returned page data to the client is mainly affected by three factors: server upload bandwidth, client download bandwidth, and the overall size of the webpage content.

Optimization method: First, choose a VPS server with a large upload bandwidth, and use BBR or RuiSu to accelerate the VPS server. Second, optimize the webpage content, webpage code, compress images, etc.
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