1. Disable Directory Execution#
First, click on the request control on the right, select add, target, choose deny, and the two matching modules reg_path.
Write in respectively, remember to check nc details and image comparison.
2. Protect System Files#
First, click on the request control on the right, select add, target, choose deny, matching module url.
Write in respectively, remember to check nc details and image comparison.
3. Protect Sensitive Files#
First, click on the request control on the right, select add, target, choose deny, matching module url.
Write in respectively, remember to check nc details and image comparison.
4. Obtain Real IP#
First, click on the request control on the right, select add, directly add, choose continue, marking module replace_ip.
Write in the header, details and image comparison.
5. Prevent Trojan Uploads#
First, click on the request control on the right, select add, directly add, choose deny, marking module select post_file, then choose ignore.
Details and image comparison.
6. Set 17CE and Qiyun Test All Green Function#
This function is purely for self-satisfaction, just forwarding a link. Hahaha~ Let elementary school students buy your host thinking your machine is fast~ A bit arrogant~
The method is the same. So I won't write it twice, just take 17ce as an example.
Open the 3311 panel, add in the request control, target continue, select matching module referer, input http://www.17ce.com.
Then in the marking module select redirect, input code, enter 301.
7. Set CC Defense#
This function is only effective in the commercial version. Please use kangle.in to upgrade to the commercial version. I will write a tutorial for upgrading to the commercial version later.
First, click on the request control on the right, select add, directly add, choose continue, marking module select anti_cc.
Set request and second according to your needs.
Remember to check white list and fix_url.
Details and image comparison.
HTTP/1.1 503 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Connection: close
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store
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<div id="js-alert-box">
<div id="js-sec-text"></div>
<div id="js-alert-head"></div>
Hello, we have detected abnormal behavior from you.
We are conducting a security check on your browser.
<a id="js-alert-btn" href="/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Exit Security Check</a>
Secure Encryption
<script type="text/javascript"><br />
function alertSet(e) {<br />
document.getElementById("js-alert-box").style.display = "block",<br />
document.getElementById("js-alert-head").innerHTML = e;<br />
var t = 5,<br />
n = document.getElementById("js-sec-circle");<br />
document.getElementById("js-sec-text").innerHTML = t,<br />
setInterval(function() {<br />
if (1 > t){<br />
location.href="{{murl}}";<br />
}else {<br />
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if (2 == t){<br />
document.getElementById("js-alert-btn").setAttribute("href","{{murl}}");<br />
document.getElementById("js-alert-btn").setAttribute("style","font-weight:bold");<br />
}<br />
},<br />
970);<br />
}<br />
<script>alertSet('Browser Security Check in Progress');</script>
8. Prevent SQL Injection#
First, click on the request control on the right, select add, directly add, choose deny, marking module select param.
Then in param value:(regex) input
'.*[; ]?((or)(insert)(select)(union)(update)(delete)(replace)(create)(drop)(alter)(grant)(load)(show)(exec))[/s(]
Then ignore case get post.
9. Optimize Configuration#
10. Set MIME Types#
Set MIME types for the strongest Google optimization settings, increase browser caching, and speed up web access.
Below are some commonly used formats that can be added as needed.
<table cellspacing="0">
31536000 is recommended by Google, while Baidu uses 315360000 (ten years). Tencent uses 600.
You can directly modify the configuration file.